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Delving into the Origins of Seron Electronics: A Feature Article by MIT News

We are thrilled to share a featured article published by MIT News that dives into the beginnings of Seron Electronics. The MIT article, titled “Unlocking new science with devices that control electric power” illustrates the obstacles our founder, Mo Mirvakili faced during his time as a postdoc during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how a humble piece of plywood ignited the spark of inspiration that would ultimately reshape the research landscape.

MIT News Feature Article on Seron Electronics
Image: Snapshot of MIT News Feature Article on Seron Electronics: "Unlocking new science with devices that control electric power”

Embodying his beliefs that “anyone who has a good idea should be able to turn that idea into reality”, Seron Electronics stands now as an innovative company that provides cutting-edge solutions to anyone with a great idea.



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